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Seasonal Lawn Care: A Year-Round Guide to a Perfect Lawn

A comprehensive guide, endorsed by WorldLawn VTSW, that will help you achieve a perfect lawn throughout the year in Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia, and Western Australia:

A. Seasonal Care Guide:

1. Spring:

As the world awakens from winter, your lawn does too. Spring is the ideal time for rejuvenation.


Start mowing as soon as the grass reaches 3 inches in height. Adjust your WorldLawn VTSW mower blades higher to avoid cutting too much at once.


 Apply a balanced fertilizer rich in nitrogen to promote healthy growth. WorldLawn VTSW recommends a slow-release formula for lasting effects.

Weed Control:

Combat weeds early with pre-emergent herbicides. Target broadleaf weeds like dandelions and clover.

2. Summer:

Summer poses challenges like heat and drought, demanding special attention to maintain your lawn’s vibrancy.


Adjust your WorldLawn VTSW mower height to leave grass taller, providing shade for the soil and conserving moisture.


 Use a summer-specific fertilizer to support the lawn’s endurance against heat stress.

Weed Control:

Regularly inspect and manually remove weeds. Spot treat with herbicides to prevent them from spreading.


Deep and infrequent watering is key. Water your lawn early in the morning to minimize evaporation.

3. Autumn:

Autumn is the season of preparation, ensuring your lawn survives the winter and thrives come spring.


Gradually reduce the lawn height as winter approaches, preventing long grass that can mat down under snow.


Apply a phosphorus-rich fertilizer to strengthen grassroots, aiding winter survival.


Core aeration enhances soil aeration and allows nutrients and water to penetrate deep into the soil.


Fill in bare patches with suitable grass seed. WorldLawn VTSW recommends a high-quality, disease-resistant variety.

4. Winter:

Winter might seem like a time to neglect your lawn, but it still needs attention to survive the cold months.


 Avoid mowing frozen or snow-covered grass to prevent damage.


Prevent heavy foot traffic on frozen grass, which can lead to compaction and damage.

Debris Removal:

 Keep the lawn clear of debris, allowing sunlight to reach the grass even in winter.

B. Year-Round Tips:

  1. Soil Testing: Regularly test your soil to adjust pH levels and nutrient content as needed.
  2. Regular Maintenance: Keep your WorldLawn VTSW mower blades sharp and well-maintained for a clean cut.
  3. Professional Help: Consider professional lawn care services for specialized treatments.
  4. Environmentally Friendly: Opt for eco-friendly products and practices for a healthier lawn and planet.
  5. Stay informed: keep an eye on local weather conditions, pest alerts, and regional recommendations.

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