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  • Performance
  • convenience
  • durability
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Zero-turn mowers have become the go-to choice for homeowners and professionals alike due to their
efficiency and manoeuvrability. For residents in Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia, and Western
In Australia, where a well-manicured lawn is a point of pride, maintaining your zero-turn mower is crucial.
Specifically, if you own one of the WorldLawn VTSW you’ll want to ensure it stays in top condition. Here
are some essential tips for routine and seasonal maintenance to keep your mower performing at its
A. Routine Maintenance:

  1. Cleaning: Regularly clean the mower’s exterior to prevent grass and debris buildup. Pay
    attention to the cutting deck and undercarriage, ensuring they are free from clippings.
  2. Sharpening of Mower Blade: Dull blades tear grass, leading to an uneven cut. Sharpen the
    blades at least once a season for a clean and efficient cut.
  3. Checking of Mower Belt: Inspect the mower belt for signs of wear and tear. Replace it if you
    notice any fraying or damage to prevent sudden breakdowns.
  4. Clean Mower Deck: Clean the mower deck thoroughly after each use. A clean deck allows for
    better airflow, which enhances cutting performance.
  5. Oil Change: Regular oil changes are essential for engine longevity. Refer to your mower’s
    manual for the recommended oil type and change intervals.
  6. Check Tire Pressure: Maintaining the right tire pressure ensures even cutting and prevents
    unnecessary strain on the engine. Check the tire pressure regularly and adjust as needed.
  7. Fuel Management: Use fresh fuel and add a fuel stabilizer if your mower will be sitting idle for
    an extended period. Stale fuel can clog the engine and affect performance.
  8. Air Filling Maintenance: Clean or replace the air filter regularly. A clogged air filter restricts
    airflow, impacting engine performance and fuel efficiency.
  9. Engine Inspection: Periodically inspect the engine for any signs of leaks, unusual noises, or
    smoke. Addressing issues promptly can prevent costly repairs later on.
    B. Seasonal Maintenance:

 Winter Maintenance: Before storing your mower for winter, remove any remaining fuel from
the tank to prevent carburettor issues. Store the mower in a dry, sheltered place to protect it
from the elements.
 Summer Maintenance: During summer, mow your lawn at the highest recommended setting for
your grass type. Taller grass shades the soil, reducing evaporation and promoting a healthier
 Spring Maintenance: Spring is the ideal time for a thorough inspection and tune-up. Check all
components, replace spark plugs, and lubricate moving parts.
 Autumn Maintenance: Clear your lawn of leaves and debris before mowing. Wet leaves can clog
the cutting deck and affect the mower’s performance.
By following these maintenance tips, WorldLawn VTSW owners can ensure their zero-turn mowers
remain reliable and efficient, providing a beautifully manicured lawn season after season. Regular care
not only prolongs the mower’s life but also enhances its performance, making your lawn maintenance
tasks a breeze.